Was It Worth It?
There are many things that take our attention. In fact, we’re so used to distractions that it can be difficult just to be still with ourselves. I recently read in the book, “The Power of Stillness,” that one study showed 3/4 of men and 1/4 of women would rather self-administer electric shocks than sit alone in a room with no distraction for 15 minutes!
Of course, not all our busyness is bad, but how can we tell if something we give our attention to is really worth it? The second pillar for practice taught by Dr. Dan Siegel is open awareness. One way of practicing this is by recognizing things for which we are grateful.
I recently learned about a free course at the online learning platform Coursera called, “The Science of Wellness.” It’s taught by Yale Professor, Laurie Santos based on her class of the same name, which is the most popular course ever offered at Yale. The first two activities in the program are about gratitude and savoring.
Through mindful awareness we can see if an activity truly brings us joy…and what might just be a waste of time.
Try this: Every day recognize something different you are grateful for. Really think about how that thing looks, sounds, smells, tastes and feels. Savor the emotions and feelings that come with this activity. Write about it for a minute or two to really deepen the effects.
You could also practice taking something that does not bring joy or value off your agenda.
If you really want to deepen your understanding and learning about wellness, you might enjoy the free course. See below for the link. I’ve only finished week two of a 10 week outline but I can tell that, for me, it will be worth it!
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