Remember, Remember
The last week included some wonderful time with family members. Each one of them has contributed to the joy and well-being in my life. Sometimes we forget how many people impact our lives for good and that we are the product of all our ancestors. We may forget that every convenience we enjoy is due to the hard work of others.
The holidays of November remind us to appreciate — from the Day of the Dead, on which we are reminded to reconnect with loved ones who have moved on from this world, to Thanksgiving, where we are reminded to be grateful for diversity, connection and the very food we eat. This month in the blog I’ll talk about gratitude. I’d love to hear about the things that you feel thankful for!
Try this: Write down (or even just say in your mind) three new things you are grateful for each day of November. Use STOP (Stop, Take a deep breath, Observe your thoughts, feelings and body reactions, and Proceed with awareness to learn more about how gratitude affects you.
I’m grateful for all of you!
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