I Choose to Choose
Social media leads us from one meme to another, triggering a quick burst of dopamine for each new pseudo-experience. Streaming television shows automatically start before the credits end from the previous episode. News people deliver a hook to keep you coming back after every commercial break.
Those are just a few examples of how we might end up in default mode for the day. I’m not suggesting that spending some time on social media or watching your favorite program is a bad thing. Sometimes it can be a nice distraction, and even educational. The key is to enter into each activity with intention — and engage in things that truly bring joy into your life.
When the True Freedom series launches in October, 2019 you’ll be able to determine the activities that might give you small pleasure in the moment, but take away your freedom in the long run. You’ll see how your beliefs can keep you stuck in a rut, and how you can shift them to open up new pathways.
Try this: Resist the urge to look at your phone first thing tomorrow. Start with hydration. Charlotte Peterson, my daughter and favorite nutritional consultant, suggests a refreshing glass of lemon water. Charlotte will teach us more about how food can add to – or take away from – our freedom in the upcoming True Freedom series.
When was the last time you cut open a fresh lemon? Hold the fruit in your hand. Is the peel smooth or bumpy? Savor the smell. Open the lemon and observe your thoughts, sensations, and body reactions. Take time to truly appreciate the moment. Recognize that you are giving your body a gift when you hydrate.
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