Unwrapping the Gift – Metaphor
One of the clients I work with created a metaphor to understand how to address some issues. Everyone tucks things away in the mind to take care of later. Sometimes it’s because of trauma. Often it’s because we’re just over-loaded at the moment. It might be because getting to the end result seems too big to tackle.
Unfortunately, sometimes we keep issues inside a moldy old box, hidden in the corner of a dark dungeon with rats and spiderwebs all around. The box is disgusting and dirty and wrapped with chains and there’s no way we want to even approach, let alone open, it! Maybe we’re ashamed of what the box holds.
With this type of metaphor, you can see how it would be hard to work on an issue. Conversely, when you look at every circumstance as an opportunity to grow, learn and progress, the metaphor changes. My client said that the compartment in his mind now looks more like a gift box wrapped with shiny paper and a bow.
What metaphors do you have? How do they empower or disempower you?
Try this: Make a list of metaphors that you use on a regular basis (“I’m freezing to death. She’s as cold as ice. Love is a battlefield. Love is a warm blanket on a cold day. You are my sunshine.)
Close your eyes and picture one of your metaphors. Where do you feel it in your body? Describe the feeling. Is it cold, warm, soft, hard? Does it make you feel stronger or weaker?
See if you can shift the metaphor so that it feels more like a gift.